Home   Uncategorized   A To Z Challenge – R Is For Reader

Most writers don’t think about their readers when they start writing their books. However, this is the perfect time to imagine who will be reading your books. You want to cater your writing to this reader. You want to be able to touch deep inside of their heart.

Answer the following questions about you reader?

What age is your reader?

What gender?

Where does your reader live?

How much does your reader make?

What is your reader’s educational level?

What is your reader’s martial status?

What type of life does your reader have?

How often does your reader read books?

How often does your reader buy books?

What is your reader’s guilty pleasures?

Does your reader resemble what you had in your mind?

Find a picture of what your reader looks like (search through images in magazines or online).

Place her/him in front of your computer or on your vision board, so you know who you are writing for.

Knowing who your reader is will help with knowing where to find your readers. Look for the next issue for tips on how to find your reader.



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