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When I decided to go natural I honestly didn’t think it would be a big deal.  Man was I in for a rude awakening.  I started a journey to learn more about me and my hair and what made us happy.

When it came to my hair I never thought about it as being happy but as the years passed I realized that I had to listen to my hair and not to what I wanted it to do.  Now when I give advice about natural hair I tell them to listen to their hair.  It tells you what it likes and what makes it happy.

Product Junkies

We all are product junkies when we first start out.  Its ok, you are trying to find what makes your hair happy.  It might cost you a few dollars, but it can be a fun project if you don’t go over board

Your Hair Can’t Do What Everyone Else Does

I think this is the hardest lesson for newbies.  We are watching all these videos and learning about our textures and wondering why my hair doesn’t look like that video person’s hair.

For me I found out I had four different grades of hair on my head.  4c, 4b, 3b, 3a crazy right?  Knowing this saved me a lot of hair pain.  Yes I might get the finger coil on the back of my head, but the top and front will laugh at it.  That’s OK.  Knowing you hair and what it can do, saves you a lot of money, time and tears.

The Basics Sometimes Are What Work

Shea butter, coconut oil and water are my go to products.  I get my best twists and twist outs from them.  I’ve tried other products and they don’t work the same.  Take note what works for you.  Some people keep a journal for making notes about their hair.  I think it’s a great way to document your styles, products and what works and what doesn’t work.

Hair Grows When It Wants

The first few years my hair refused to grow.  I tried all kinds of stuff, but I learned that I wasn’t listening to my hair.  It didn’t need a lot of products to grow.  It wanted water and styles that were protective vs. stressful.  I loved my puff, but my hair didn’t.  The top was growing but the sides weren’t.   Now I wear my puff on special occasions and wear the protective styles.

Find Your Style And ROCK IT

Natural hair can sometimes make you feel like a raggedy mop, so find styles you like and you think you look cute in.  I like my twists and twists outs.  I can do them myself and have different looks each time.  Find a style you like and ROCK IT.  Don’t be afraid to change it every now and then.

These are few tips to help you on your natural hair journey.  If you have a question about natural hair or would like to be featured  as a Curly sisters – send me an email lchwriter@gmail.com


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