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I received the dreaded revision letter. I put off reading it for a few days. My editor sent me an email asking was I Ok. I laughed because I hadn’t read it so I didn’t know if I was OK or not. I printed the letter out and read what she had to say. Yes the manuscript needed a lot of work. I must confess this was draft 2 of the book, so it was in bad shape.

What I loved about the letter is she didn’t tell me to give up the dream that there was no hope for me. She said we could make it better. That took a lot of the fear still trying to cling to me off my back. I threw the fear to the side, and said I got this now.

I set up an appointment with my editor and she told me what she liked and didn’t like and what she suggested. I liked all of her suggestions, including rewriting the first chapter.

Now I’m at the writing stage and nothing is coming to me. The muse refuses to participate and I’m thinking is this my form of procrastination, something I’m really good at.

As I was driving to work, one of the characters spoke to me, she said add me to the scene and you can change the story. I was like you are right. The words began to flow. It’s been a year since I wrote fiction, so I was happy to see the words flow from my pen. Yes I write my stories, then I type them. I know it’s a longer process but that’s my system and it works for me.

I’m excited to be working on the story and seeing where it will takes me.

Revision Tips:

  1. Print the revision letter out and read over it. Then highly the areas you agree or disagree with, so you can discuss with your editor.
  1. Chat with your editor so you two are on the same page. Don’t feel like what they suggest is set in stone. This is your story and you do have some say in it. (This might be a little different if you are working with a publisher. They might have the final say, however don’t be afraid to speak up for your story. All they can do is say no.)
  1. Set up your writing schedule. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall off. Just get back on and WRITE.
  1. Give yourself treats for making your writing goals.

My treat – I like to have tv show binges.

  1. Enjoy the process it’s all about making your book the best it can be.

Do you have any book revision tips to share?


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