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Monthly Archives : September 2015

Self publishing has always been in the back of my mind since I started writing. I met a lot of writers who are indie publishers and I’ve always admired their courage to take their writing into their own hands. I think what has stopped me was I’m from the old school of writing wanting some big publisher to say they loved my book and give me a big check to publish it. Yeah I had that
Is writing on your dream list? Today is a good day to get started on that dream. Writing takes commitment and consistency. You have to make time to write or it won’t happen. I’m here today to push you off the fence you’ve been on for a while. How do I know you are on the fence, because I was on that fence too and I had to shove my own self off a couple
We are taught to celebrate anniversaries, however when it comes to anniversaries of death, we try to act like it doesn’t matter. Some people don’t talk about it. Some people don’t want to talk about it. Some people just want to get through it. The first anniversary of my mom’s death I was still numb and in a lot of pain. I downloaded her favorite singer, Neil Diamond and spent the day crying and listening
I decided to revisit some posts I did on fear. I wanted to share my fears about writing, to show you how far I’ve come and how far you can come too. Fear 2: Letting Someone Read My Manuscripts You can’t get to published if you don’t let others read or critique your books. You have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to move forward. It took me years of I