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Today we are going to discuss self-promotion.

This past week we loss a music genius, Prince, if you were on social media, you saw many people talking about him. They were sharing posts, they were sharing videos. They were sharing their Prince stories. They didn’t have a problem with talking about him and how his music touched them.

Saturday night, Beyonce introduced her new CD – Lemonade. Social media went crazy again. Some people loved the visuals and symbolism. Some people didn’t get it. Some people wondered if this was her personal story, some people hated it.

I’m the first to admit that I love how Beyonce self-promotes. This girl can teach a class on it. She creates her plan and she EXECUTES. She shuts down social media with every announcement.

Are you shutting down social media with your self-promotion?
Most of us aren’t. We are worried about talking about our books or products too much. We don’t want to offend anyone. We don’t want to overwhelm anyone. We think it’s not the Christian thing to do. God will make a way.

Take a lesson from Beyonce and just DO IT.

1. She creates a plan.

2. She makes sure everything is lined up and ready to go.

3. She hits all the places she knows her market is, t.v., radio and social media.

4. She don’t care if you like it or don’t like it.

5. She wants you to talk about it, because that gets her product in front of everyone.

6. She’s smiling to the bank, because you are buying her product.

Self-promotion is a good thing. If you aren’t talking about your book or business who is, get the conversations started. Let people know what you have to offer. Tell them about your book or product. Ask them to share with their friends and family. Ask for reviews. Then as my coach LaTara V. Bussey says, rinse and repeat (do it all over again).

They can’t buy your book or product if they don’t know it exists.

What stopping you from promoting?

Why is self-promotion such a bad word?

What are you afraid of when it comes to self-promotion?

Why do you think you are not good at self-promotion?

Why isn’t self-promotion in your plans?

What if you can change your mind set about self-promotion, how would that change your promotion?


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