Home   Motivation   Don’t Quit

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Last week I was ready to call it quits.  I was tired. I was defeated. I felt like nothing was going the way I thought it should be going in 2019.

Then it hit me that I’ve been here before when my mom was sick, and we had to decide she would live with us.  I knew I couldn’t do caregiving be mommy, wife, government worker and continue doing the magazine – SORMAG.

I wasn’t ready to give up SORMAG and I prayed about it and I prayed about it.  I loved the magazine, but it took a lot of energy to produce and print and get it out to the subscribers.  I knew I just was not going to have all that energy, something had to give.

Someone suggested putting it on a blog.  The pressure to quit was replaced with a new idea that felt like going back to my roots.  You see when I started SORMAG it was on a website, so using a blog would be so user friendly and stress free.

My sanity was saved and again, and I could continue the magazine something I loved.  Now I don’t have to quit.  I can do all the things that I want to do without be drained and overwhelmed the best part, I can move forward and get unstucked.  Yes, I felt stucked for a while.

I want you to look at yourself today.

Are you driving yourself crazy trying to do everything?

Are you overwhelmed?

Are you feeling under unappreciated?

Are you ready to quit?

Go back to your roots and look at your why.  Are you still on the path for your WHY?  Are you doing what you want to do right now, or have you put it off, letting other things come before it?

Sometimes we get off our path, but you still have time to get back on.  Don’t quit.  You have things to do.


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