Home   Audio Books   Audiobook Appreciation Month – Guardians Of The Time – The Dog Snatcher by Phyllis Wheeler

In honor of Audio Appreciation Month I will be sharing a few audio books for you to listen to.

An award-winner! This chapter book received a Purple Dragonfly Award from Story Monsters Magazine and also was a finalist for the prestigious Selah Award for Christian Fiction.

Eleven-year-old Jake is amazed when a teenage boy kidnaps the family dog and vanishes. Jake and his twin Ava are determined to find their dog, and soon, they use an abandoned key to seek help in – of all places – a clock shop.

This clock shop travels through time and space, piloted by a 700-year-old Swiss alchemist.

But the dog snatcher isn’t easy to catch. He’s a centuries-old alchemist, too.

A family-friendly chapter book full of surprises, including a trip to France in 1680.

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