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Daily Archives : June 8, 2024

Shy, bookish, and admittedly awkward, Lily Greene has always felt inadequate compared to the rest of her accomplished family, who strive for Black excellence. She dreams of becoming a children’s books editor, but she’s been frustratingly stuck in the nonfiction division for years without a promotion in sight. Lily finds escapism in her correspondences with her favorite fantasy author, and what begins as two lonely people connecting over email turns into a tentative friendship and
This young man captured my heart as one of the brothers in Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Reyo.  He was adorable in the series. My favorite scene is when he tells his brother, the King, he’s not letting him have his child.  He’d rather die. He loved that baby. I’m sure he’ll be having his own shows soon because the camera loves him. Kissing Points – N/A I haven’t seen him do a kiss scene, so