Home   BYR Newsletter   Building Your Readership Issue #18 – Getting To Know Your Readers Part 1

Building Your Readership Issue #18 – Getting To Know Your Readers Part 1

Let’s talk about getting to know our readers. Today I will be sharing five ways I use to get to know my readers.

#1 Engage On Social Media

This is my favorite way to get to know my readers. If you follow me, you know I love Kdramas so I’m always sharing the latest shows I’ve watched to my readers. I also enjoy talking about Kdramas with my readers who also share my love of Kdramas.

What is something you enjoy? See if your readers enjoy it too.

Questions are great way to get to know you readers.

What is their favorite genre?

Who is their favorite character?

What scene made them cry?

What was is their favorite snack to eat while reading?

You can create polls and graphics that start the conversations.

#2 Conduct Reader Surveys

I do my surveys a little different from others. I found that when you do a survey the old fashion way most time you get a few responds. Over the years I’ve taken my surveys and break them into questions I post in my community or ask inside my emails. One question at a time is so much reader friendly than 10 at one time.

If you need immediate responses from your readers, you can also do the form version. You can use Google Forms or Survey Monkey to create a survey.

Write down the questions you want to know and format your survey for them.

Share the survey to your newsletter and social media platform. You can also offer an incentive to get them to fill out the survey.

#3 Host Virtual Meet And Greets

You can host a monthly meet and greet with your readers using Zoom or Facebook Live. These are fun ways to interact with your readers. You can do a Q&A session, book discussions or meet and greet.

Have fun with your readers and offer prizes to those who attend.

#4 Create An Exclusive Reader Group

When I published my first book – Building Online Relationships I created a group for the book. I thought it would be a good way to connect with my readers and also learn more about book promotion from those who were members of the group. I think it was one the best decisions I did for me and my book. I learned so much and also was able to create content that helped my members.

I always tell my clients who want to create a reader group, don’t worry about the size of the group. Everyone starts with one member and grow. Take your time to grow your group because you want readers who want to be in the group to support you and your books.

I recommend you schedule your time inside your group that way you stay consistent. You don’t want to create a group and never participate it. You want your readers to feel welcome and safe inside your group.

#5 Offer Personalized Communication

I like to communicate with my readers especially if they initiate the contact with an email or DM message. I’ve made some beautiful friendships from emails with my readers.

Now I understand if you don’t feel comfortable with taking your readership to the friendship level, but if you do, I can say these relationships can truly bless you.

I like to send book boxes or thank you gifts to my first readers as I call them. I want to make them feel special like they have made me feel.

I always say engagement starts with you. What will you do to engage with your readers and how often will you do this?  Create your schedule.


Pick a suggestion and start using for next month.

Are you using any of the suggestions above?  Which ones worked for you?

If you know someone who needs book promotion tips, share this newsletter with them.

Remember book promotion starts with YOU. Make sure to subscribe to get next issue.


See Ya On The Net,


P.S. Do you need more help with your book promotion? Download my book Building Online Relationships – https://amzn.to/3UAJWHV


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