Home   Kdramas   30 HOT KDRAMA ACTORS TO WATCH THIS SUMMER #9 Wi Ha – Joon

Wi ha-Joon Is the good looking support character? I don’t think I’ve seen him as a leading man yet but he does have a new Kdrama that came out this month called The Midnight Romance In Hagwon. I plan on watching later.

Wi ha-Joon is always the man helping someone or being a good friend to someone so I know he’s gonna make a good leading man because his characters always stand out and make you take notice of him. His lovely face and sexy body does help too.

Kiss Points – NA

(Points: 1 – Surprise Fish Eyes  3 – Sweet Peck  5 – Makes you smile  10 – Makes You Replay)

What’s your favorite Wi ha-Joon show?



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