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Monthly Archives : July 2024

It’s that time of the week again—time for a brand-new episode of Love In Space. If you’ve been following the journey so far, you know Baila went on her first date with her last guy. If you’re new here, welcome! You still have time to catch up on Baila’s journey to Purpera. Episode #23 – After The Kiss Baila is feeling guilty after kissing Kalel. Will she tell Quinn? Ready to find out what happens after
This week I was supposed to publish my first Building Your Readership book.  It’s not going to happen. I honestly can’t say when it will because I haven’t been focusing on getting it done. I’ve been so deep inside my head beating myself up because I haven’t completed anything.  I thought I be finished with the third season of Love In Space and starting the next one in August. That hasn’t happened. I spent most
This month I’ve enjoyed some great Kdramas.  I’m still on my old school dramas while I wait on the new Kdramas to end so I can binge.  I will admit that one drama caught me in their daily trap – Healer An illegal “night courier” who works under the alias “Healer” A strong-willed and quirky internet news reporter who dreams of becoming a legendary reporter. Come together to find out the truth about the deaths
Rowoon was my first Kdrama crush. He stole my heart in The King’s Affection, about a teacher who falls in love with the king. I won’t give a spoiler, just say you have to watch to find out if the king loves him back. After watching this of course I went in search for more of his shows.  He’s a new actor so he’s doesn’t have a huge show list, but he’s working on it.
I wanted to use this issue to discuss self-care for authors. It’s a topic we don’t talk about much, but it’s very important if we plan on having a long career with our writing. I find when working with my clients that they deal with a lot of burnouts and overwhelm when it comes to their promotion. I believe you can’t build your readership if you’re stressed out in your life. As an author, we have
Wookie as most of his fans call Ji Chang Wook grabbed my heart in the K2. I love an action Kdrama especially with martial arts. In this show he plays a sexy bodyguard. I was in heaven because there were fight scenes, romance and lots of sex appeal. Then I went on a hunt for his other shows. I found Sound Of Magic where I learned he was a singer and dancer. Triple threat. My
Segment Your Email List: Personalize your email marketing by segmenting your list based on reader preferences, purchase history, and engagement levels. As you grow your email list, start segmenting your subscribers instead of having one large list. This helps with sending out emails to your list. You can have a list for: Newsletter subscribers. Readers who purchased your book. Readers you met at events. Readers who signed up for your freebies. It takes a few
I was introduced to Kim Soo Hyun with the Kdrama It’s OK To be OK. My daughter told me about this show. To be honest I stopped watching because I thought the Female lead was very toxic.  My daughter insisted to give it another try. I came back to it. Kim Soo Hyun’s character kept me watching. He was a caregiver of his older brother.  I finished the show, but it wasn’t one I recommend.
This week I need this affirmation because I’m working on completing the season of Love In Space. Sometimes I get inside my head, and I shut down my writing muse.  Here are a few things I do to start up my creating juices. Finding my writing process has been hard because I was used to writing when I wanted to. Writing when I want doesn’t work for episodic books because you need content daily or
Last issue I shared different ways to get to know your readers. This issue will be about who might not be your readers such as friends and family, social media followers and email subscribers. Friends And Family – Supporters Or Readers? I’ve worked with authors who were disappointed with their friends and family because when they released their book, they expected them to run out and buy multiple copies of their book.  I inform them,