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Daily Archives : July 2, 2024

It’s my book Anniversary month (July 27) Nine years in print. Each year I share lessons I’ve learned in this journey. In honor of my anniversary I will share my lessons again with a new entry. Lessons I learned on the publication journey. 1. Just because I wrote a book doesn’t mean everyone knows it. Lesson – Promotion is forever. If you want to continue selling books you have to let people know you have
I was introduced to Gong Yoo with Squid Game and The Train To Busan. I thought he was good looking but he went to the next level when I watched The Goblin -Guardian- The Lonely and the Great God. In all my Kdrama groups, you heard about The Goblin. It was the one show every loyal Kdrama watcher had seen. None of my streaming services showed it. I had to go on a deep search