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Daily Archives : July 29, 2024

This week I was supposed to publish my first Building Your Readership book.  It’s not going to happen. I honestly can’t say when it will because I haven’t been focusing on getting it done. I’ve been so deep inside my head beating myself up because I haven’t completed anything.  I thought I be finished with the third season of Love In Space and starting the next one in August. That hasn’t happened. I spent most
This month I’ve enjoyed some great Kdramas.  I’m still on my old school dramas while I wait on the new Kdramas to end so I can binge.  I will admit that one drama caught me in their daily trap – Healer An illegal “night courier” who works under the alias “Healer” A strong-willed and quirky internet news reporter who dreams of becoming a legendary reporter. Come together to find out the truth about the deaths