What’s on your agenda for December?
Here Are 31 Things To Do:
Read a good book
Work on your book
Share your top books for the year
Write a review
Color a few sheets
Work on a craft project
Spend time with a friend
Call a friend you haven’t talked in a while
Enjoy a piece of cake or pie
Make cookies
Schedule your promotion so you have time to relax.
Buy promotion ads for 2025
Watch a good movie
Binge a tv show
Spend time with your family
Make a date with a love one
Write down what you are grateful for
Write down your goals for 2025
Work on your dream
Write down your dreams
Meet someone new
Attend a virtual event
Start your mailing list
Clean up your mailing list
Ask people to join your mailing list
Update your social media platforms
Update your website
Create your promotion plan
Create new graphics
Create social media content
Promote your book someone needs it.
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