In my book, Building Online Relationships I have a chapter called, How Do You Know If Its Working. It asks a few questions about your promotion and if you are getting a return on your investment. Here are a few of the questions, you want to answer. Look at your promotion goals for last year. Did you meet them? Did you see an increase in your mailing list and social media followers? Did you meet
Category Archives : Promotion
Promotion starts with you and the consistent work you put in it. Here are few tips to get you started so you can ROCK your promotion in 2016. 1. You need a Promotion Mindset 2. Plan – Sit Down And Create Your Promotion Plan For 2016 3. You need a Homebase – Your website/blog with your contact information 4. You need a mailing list – Create one if you don’t have one. 5. Social Media
Promotion is all about consistency. I learned when you create a plan and you work your plan, you will see results with your promotion. I would like to teach you how I use a promotion calendar to help me with my promotion. This calendar is how I stay consistent with my promotion for SORMAG and now my own books. You will learn: How to set promotion goals How to find where your readers are How