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I was chatting with a client who told me that I should offer one on one services for the writer who wants to do promotion but don’t know how or where to start with their promotion. I always say start with creating your email list and she told me its easy to say that but some people need help to start one. Have you put off creating your email list because you don’t know where
Last month I participated in the Feed Your Dream Summit. Click the link to check out the replay: https://admin.headliner.ai/feed-your-dreams-summit-dreamers-in-publishing-promotion This month I was invited to present at the Motown Networking Group.  I did presentation on 10 Ways To Get Ready For Book Promotion. Click the link to check out the replay: I was also invited to an interview with the Black Book Festival Podcast. Click the link to check out the replay: I had a
One of the most important tools for your book promotion is your promotion plan. Inside this masterclass I share 7 steps to help you create your own Social Butterfly Promotion Plan. After watching the video, if you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll be happy to answer them. If you need help with creating your plan, join me inside the Social Butterfly Mastermind. Registration closes 10/7. We will be creating your
I’ve been writing books for years, and I’ve let fear keep my books in the closet.  I know I’m not alone in having a few books in the closet.  I created the Produce Publish Promote Summit because I wanted to help writers get their manuscripts out of the closet and in front of new readers. Your manuscripts or printed books don’t have to continue collecting dust because you are letting fear stop you, or you
I’m hosting my annual ROCK YOUR PROMOTION PLAN Masterclass next month.  You are invited to attend. CLICK HERE to register. This is a FREE training.  
    10 Tips to help you ROCK online and offline events. Don’t sign up for events if you are not a people person Be On Time Bring your business cards  – Have your links prepared if you are online (website/blog) Bring your book – Have your links (to buy book, excerpts, synopsis) Have something to say about you and your book Participate Stay Positive Make connections Don’t Get Made If You Don’t Sell Talk
The month of December was supposed to be the month I completed the editing on my manuscript.  Mr. Fear knocked on my door and I let him sit on the couch for the whole month. Now I wasn’t being lazy, I had tons of things I was working on. I hosted SORMAG’s Online Book Festival.  I taught The Promotion Book Camp.  I created all the content for the Book Camp. I worked on a few
Are you looking to find new readers? Check the tips I offer in this scope. If you have any questions, leaving them in the comments.
I don’t have time to promote is a statement I hear a lot when I have my virtual tea sessions with my clients.  They have so many things on their plate; they just don’t have time to squeeze promotion in too. Unfortunately promotion is very important when it comes to books or businesses.  You have to make time to promote, or you won’t be making any sales. I’ve created a newsletter to help you tackle
PRODUCE*PUBLISH*PROMOTE SUMMIT This FREE summit is perfect for: The person who has a book idea floating in their head but don’t know where to start. The writer who is looking for help with their writing goals? The writer who is about to publish their first book. The writer who can’t decide to self publish or continue submitting. The writer who published the book but can’t stay consistent with their promotion. The seasoned writer who wants