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I’ve been writing books for years, and I’ve let fear keep my books in the closet.  I know I’m not alone in having a few books in the closet.  I created the Produce Publish Promote Summit because I wanted to help writers get their manuscripts out of the closet and in front of new readers. Your manuscripts or printed books don’t have to continue collecting dust because you are letting fear stop you, or you
Over the years SORMAG has won a few awards.  One that I was very proud of was our first award.  We were selected by Writers Digest as One of the 101 Best Websites for Writers 2002! We’d been online for two years and for me that was a big deal because I worked my butt off to get the magazine in front of every romance reader I could find.  All that worked was noticed by
This month I would like to share with you the history behind my path to becoming a Social Butterfly. 20 years ago I started my journey on these online streets.  I didn’t have a clue about being online I just knew it fascinated the heck out of me and I didn’t have to go anywhere to meet new people. It actually was a blessing in disguise because I was a new mother with a husband
I want to share five lessons I learned about promotion when I became a published author. # 1  Promotion is about building relationships. If you have no way of capturing the readers, you meet you are making promotion harder for yourself.  It’s like you are promoting to the wind. I always say start the mailing list before you tell anyone about your book.   When you start to meet, readers ask them to join your mailing
Yesterday I was chatting with a friend and she reminded me how long I’ve been in this literary business.  I think sometimes people forget that I’ve been doing this for 20 years versus the three years I’ve been published. I decided I’m going to revisit my online history for Black History month.  I will share with you how I did all of this in the last 20 years. 20 years online I’ve learned: How to
I completed my read through for my manuscript.  I must say I truly enjoyed the story and look forward to improving it.  My next step is the world building and adding more content before it’s ready to submit to an editor.  I also need to find an editor who edits Science Fiction, so that should be an interesting hunt. I love the world building part because I get to create my own planet. My planet
Two years ago when I hit upload on Create Space, I didn’t know what to expect.  I was scared to death but I was also excited to know my dream of being a published author had finally come true.  It wasn’t as I imagined – romance author, but it was about my second love – book promotion. This has been amazing two year journey.  I’ve learned so much about me, my writing and promotion.  I
Last week I had a nice virtual tea with LaShaunda.  Yes I have to have sessions with myself. I’ve been dealing with am I writer or do I like talking about being a writer. I’ve been in stuck mode when it comes to my writing for months since I published my first book. I’m sitting in the car and I admit I like talking about being a writer.  Writing is hard sometimes.  I’d rather talk
When you deal with fear it can be an everyday thing.  It doesn’t go away as some people say, it visits you often.  In my research to beat fear, I’m learning fear is a good thing.  It gets you out of your comfort zone if you choose to move past it. I’m very happy in my comfort zone because I’m used to it.  However, I’m not living my dream because I refuse to leave my
Today I start my editing journey.  I’ve had the book back from the editor for a while, but I put off the editing because I had a lot of other things on my plate and I didn’t want to be distracted from giving my all to the book.  I chose September as my editing month and also created an Editing challenge to keep me motivated. I’m nervous about what the editor has to say, but