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When I decided I wanted to be a writer I had a lot of hope.  Hope that one day someone would like my story enough to want to publish it.  Hope that my book would be read by someone who enjoyed it.  Hope that I would continue to write more books that sold and were read. If you are a writer you know sometimes hope is all you have when your publication journey takes years
I can honestly say that I never thought I would be anyone’s coach.  I will admit, that I love every moment of it. I think I like the term mentor more.  I think coach, intimidates people, they think something is wrong with them when they need a coach.  So not true, a coach is there to help you become better in whatever is challenging you.  There’s nothing wrong with getting help with challenges.  That’s how you
Having friends is an important part of my life.  I have a couple that who have been in my life since I was a kid and some that I only know because of the internet.  I think a few of them are closer friends than some I see in person. I believe people come in your life for a season.  It took me a few years to understand this because I use to think friendship was
If you know me, you know I can’t imagine my life without music.  I know there is a soundtrack to my life.  My love of music comes from my mother and my father.  They both played music and even though my father left my life when I was 7, I still remember music he played on the record player.  Yes, I said record player, I don’t know if they even exist anymore. I bought my
I was blessed with 5 sisters. Two I grew up with Stephanie and Antoinette. Two I found out about when I was 13, Bridgette and Kimberly. One I met as a baby and didn’t see her again until she was an adult when I found her on Facebook, Socrotiff. I always wanted brothers and was blessed with nine when I married my husband, Eric, Johnny, Craig, Tim, Nathanial, Wallace, Jamel, Darren and Tarron. Family is
The first fan letter I wrote was to Romance Writer Rochelle Alers. She was featured in Essence magazine and included her mailing address. I wrote her a letter and to my surprise she wrote me back. That letter was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I loved Rochelle’s books and she will always hold a special place in my heart because she wrote me back. I received my first fan letter last year after my
I thought I found God when I was 25 and became a Christian. As I began to grow in my faith I learned I was the lost one. God was with me when he placed me in my mom’s womb. I just had to acknowledge him as the head of my life. When you have faith, you look at life differently. You want to know how you can serve the world. For years I wonder
When I look back over my life I realize I’ve always had an entrepreneur spirit. My first business was as a babysitter. I loved children and spending time with them. Every New Year’s Eve I would have 5- 10 kids because their parents wanted to celebrate the New Year. In the summer time I was the go to babysitter for those who couldn’t afford day care. I made enough funds every summer to get my
I decided to use my birthday month to introduce you to me. I thought it would be fun to share a little about me and my writing journey. My hope for these posts is to inspire someone to not give up on themselves or their dreams. Sometimes life gives you a few bumpy roads, but they are all lessons to make you a better person. I’m the perfect example of not giving up on your
2015 was an amazing year for me. I learned a few things on the way. 1. DO IT SCARED – The biggest lesson I learned in 2015 and one I will continue using is that I can do it scared. There were a lot of things that scared me in 2015 but I didn’t let the fear control me or stop me. I continued to move forward.  I did it scared. 2. Be Ready For