Understand that you may not master every social media platform.
Find what works well for you & use that platform.
Many authors think they have to be on every social media platform. They eventually become overwhelmed and stop participating.
I suggest to my clients that they should pick 3 platforms and participate on them. Have fun and it won’t feel like work.
Don’t try to master everything. Become an expert in three and interact with your readers.
The letter U was a letter I was stuck on so I asked a few writer friends for some help. This suggested was submitted by Dionne L. Stalling. Please stop by her site and check out HER.
Great advice!
Evalina, This and that…
Evalina recently posted…U for Uma (A to Z Challenge)
I’ve got Facebook and blogging down- I feed my blog out to twitter and G+ but other than that I stick to facebook and blogging.
I agree- don’t try to do it all. And your blog should be your primary. Social media comes and goes 😉
V.L. Jennings recently posted…U: What is an Umbilical Cord