Home   Uncategorized   A To Z Challenge – W Is For Why Are You On Social Media?

This is a question most writers don’t think about. Most are on social media because that’s what THEY say do.

However when you join a social media platform you need to know WHY?

Knowing why you are on social media will help you determine your goals for social media, then you can create a plan to help you find time to be on social media, get results from being on social media, and feel like you’re getting something out of social media.

Answer the following questions:

Why are you on social media?
What do you want to gain from social media?
How often do you think you should be on social media?
What do you like and dislike about social media?
What will you share on social media?
Will social media platforms do you like?

Look over your answers and determine:

How often you want to be on social media?
What you will share on social media?
What social media platforms will you be on?
Will you create a social media calendar?



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