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Monthly Archives : August 2016

One of my biggest issues with dealing with fear is admitting that I dealt with fear.  I called it procrastination, lateness, I’ll do it tomorrow, or I’m gonna do it. It was easy to call it a different name than what it was – FEAR. I’m a Christian, we’re not supposed to fear anything but God.  Unfortunately that’s not true.  There are a lot of Christians dealing with fear; some are probably calling it everything
Yesterday was National Book Lovers Day.  If you know me, you know I love me some books. On my FB profile I asked my FB family to share what book series they hated to see end. I’m going to share a few books here. The Little House On The Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  This was my first book series. Anne Of Green Gables series by LM Montgomery The Hideaway series by Rochelle Alers