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Monthly Archives : September 2016

I don’t have time to promote is a statement I hear a lot when I have my virtual tea sessions with my clients.  They have so many things on their plate; they just don’t have time to squeeze promotion in too. Unfortunately promotion is very important when it comes to books or businesses.  You have to make time to promote, or you won’t be making any sales. I’ve created a newsletter to help you tackle
Most writers or business owners don’t plan a budget for their promotion. It’s not something I recommend, but it happens a lot with new authors or new businesses. As a matter of fact, I started SORMAG with no budget. Back in 2000 I didn’t know anything about online promotion. I didn’t know I needed a budget or what to even spend my budget on. I was clueless to promotion, but I was in for an
Today I start my editing journey.  I’ve had the book back from the editor for a while, but I put off the editing because I had a lot of other things on my plate and I didn’t want to be distracted from giving my all to the book.  I chose September as my editing month and also created an Editing challenge to keep me motivated. I’m nervous about what the editor has to say, but
Today is all about social media tips. For me social media works when I schedule my posts.  Scheduling keeps me consistent and I don’t have to worry about if I’m promoting or not.  Any other time I’m on social media it’s because I want to be on social media, not because I have to. Another thing that works for me is having a plan for each platform.  Each one is different.  I use to post