Home   Promotion   When Life Stops Your Promotion

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This past weekend we lost a great basketball player, Kobe Bryant. As with most deaths it brings up the losses in my life.

One week before I was all set to host an online summit.   I was taking the week off for the holiday and I was going to do a little work and have a little fun with the family.

Then life decided to take over my plans.  My sister called to tell me our oldest sister had a massive heart attack and died.

I was like in slow motion – what my sister died.

All plans were gone out the window.  We had to bury my sister.

In the mist of all this I was still promoting the summit.  Now I know you wondering, WHAT, why in the world were you promoting the summit, your sister died, get your priorities right.

I was promoting because two weeks before I’d schedule all the promotion for the summit, so I wouldn’t stress myself out trying to do all that promotion the week before.

The summit was scheduled the weekend after the funeral.  It was already on the agenda.  I had a choice of canceling or going through with it.

If I had to do all that promotion, I would have cancelled it.  Since it was scheduled and I didn’t have to worry about it, everything was on automation, I could focus on the funeral and not be stressed out about an event I was hosting.

I’m always preaching to schedule your promotion.  This is one of those times it came in handy.  I had scheduled my promotion posts for the summit up to the day of the summit, so I didn’t have to worry about promoting the summit. 

When I felt like it, I would slide in a promotion about my book, or get on FB and chat with my followers.  I will admit my FB fam kept me sane through that rough time.  They sent me condolences, they sent me nice encouragements.  They kept me smiling when I wanted to curl in a ball and cry.

Illnesses, deaths or major crises, don’t have a schedule time to happen.  They just happen and knock you off your feet.

If you are in the habit of scheduling your post like I am, you have a little promotion stress off you.

If you feel like promoting, do some promoting.  Take a few hours and schedule your promotion, so you don’t have to worry about it later.

If you don’t have time to schedule get some help.  I’ve helped many authors who are going through crises promote their book.  The book release doesn’t know you are going through a crisis.  The last thing you want to do is promote, but you also don’t want to have you book sitting on a shelf either.

Get some help, that’s what we (book promoters) are here for to help.

If you don’t have the budget or the strength don’t worry about it. Take the time you need.  Deal with what’s going on with your life.  The book and promotion will be here for later.

Because my plans were all off, I had to reschedule all the virtual tea sessions I had scheduled for the week.  I explained my situation.  I didn’t want them waiting on me to call.

If you feel up to working, work, but if you don’t, make sure you let your clients know what’s happening in your life.  You want to keep it professional.  Most people understand and will work with you.  If you have one of those businesses where you have to work, do what you can.

Grief is different for everyone, so what works for me might not work for you.  Find what gives you comfort and do it.  Working on my dream gives me comfort.

Crises can sometimes stop you in your path.  Know that you can make it through especially on those hard crying days. You will make it.


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