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Monthly Archives : March 2022

On this Kindle Vella adventure I signed up for my first March Madness.  Calley Jones spearhead this idea to do a Kindle Vella March Madness.  I decided to join because I thought it was a good way to promote my Kindle Vella book and to meet new authors and their books. This first round was last week and my book made it to the second round.   I’m super excited Love In Space won and I got a
I earned my first Kindle Vella Crown last night. It was an exciting experience seeing the gold crown on my first Kindle Vella book. My book promotion worked!!! If you’ve had the pleasure of being on Amazon’s Bestseller List you know it can be for weeks or a few hours. So I wasn’t surprised when I went to bed with a crown and woke up to none.  I’m thankful Paulette Nunlee, was checking my stats