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Monthly Archives : April 2022

Host:  LaShaunda C. Hoffman http://lashaundahoffman.com Building Online Relationships  http://bit.ly/BORLCH This episode’s Sponsor –  Building Your Readership https://amzn.to/2Xg1JsK Would you like to be featured or Sponsor SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe? https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SWCafePodcast LISTEN – COMMENT – SHARE
SWC S8 E3 –The Life Of A Writer – Conversations with: Yvonne Hooks https://www.yhooksbelieves.com The Second Landing https://amzn.to/3JpYFfB Amelia Isom The Many Facets of A. Starr: Purifying Truths https://amzn.to/3DWgS3r Julia Royston – Writing As Kadance Royal www.juliaroyston.net Xavier https://bookshop.org/books/xavier-9781955501033/9781955501033 Host:  LaShaunda C. Hoffman http://lashaundahoffman.com Building Online Relationships  http://bit.ly/BORLCH This episode’s Sponsor –  Building Your Readership https://amzn.to/2Xg1JsK Would you like to be featured or Sponsor SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe? https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SWCafePodcast LISTEN – COMMENT – SHARE I’m sorry to say
March was an exciting month for me and my writing. I had my first month with my romance Love In Space on Kindle Vella. I ended with 201 reads and 52 followers. I learned that promotion is very important when it comes to getting more readers. When I did my first book Building Your Readership I didn’t do as much promotion and I posted once a month instead of weekly. I didn’t realize the key