Why Did I Choose To Publish On Kindle Vella?
When my mentor Sylvia Hubbard told me about Kindle Vella, I was still dealing with fear, so I talked myself into doing a non-fiction book instead of a fiction book. I thought I’d stick with what I knew and have a readership. I know how important a readership is and I wasn’t ready to start a new readership on a new platform.
I chose Kindle Vella because I thought it would be a good platform to continue my books about book promotion. It was set up how I wanted the reader to read the book. One episode at a time, then do the action steps.
I’m thankful now for starting on this platform with my nonfiction because it taught me so much to get ready for when I published my fiction book the next year
I chose Kindle Vella before I learned what it was about. I don’t recommend that. Learn as much about the platform before you jump in.
I wish I’d known I need to be consistent with my posts.
I wish I’d known that even if you have a readership that doesn’t mean they will come with you.
I wish I’d known how episodic writing worked.
I wish I’d known that there were different types of readers.
All these things I learned the first year on the platform.
Would I do it again? You bet! It’s been an amazing learning experience.
Stop by tomorrow as I share more about my Kindle Vella experience.
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My Kindle Vella Books
Building Your Readership
Love In Space