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Look what came in the mail yesterday? As a person who teaches book promotion I believe in staying in the know about book promotion which means taking classes and reading the latest books on book promotion. Debra Owsley is someone who loves authors and always helping to support them. I’m grateful to call her fiend. I’m looking forward to learning new strategies from this book. Get your copy today. https://amzn.to/3Nntrd7
I am willing to put in the work and time necessary to successfully promote my book.
I am confident in my ability to connect with potential readers and build a fanbase.
I am open to new opportunities and willing to take risks to promote my book.
I have the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively promote my book.
I am proud of my book and I am excited to share it with others.
I believe in the value and worth of my book, and I am confident in its ability to make a positive impact on readers.
I trust in my ability to achieve success as a science fiction romance author.
I am dedicated to honing my skills as a science fiction romance author.
I am motivated and excited to share my stories with the world.