Content Marketing – Share valuable content related to your book’s themes, characters, or research on your blog and social media.
First, I want to say thank you for taking time to read this newsletter so you can start building your infrastructure. My hope for you is these newsletters will help you improve your book promotion.
Now let’s talk about content marketing. Content marketing isn’t for everyone but if you are using online promotion, it’s a good way to meet new readers.
When I have virtual tea book promotion strategy sessions with authors, they want to know what type of content they should share. I always say its different for each author because you want to talk about might be different from someone else.
You choose what topics you want to share on social media. I always suggest you select topics you enjoy talking about and you won’t have a problem with creating content.
Types Of Content:
How To Get Started:
I suggest choosing 3 – 5 topics to talk about. Here are my topics for example:
Book Promotion
Working On Your Dream
Focusing on these topics help me have content for all my social media platforms.
Ways To Share Content:
If you are a new author, I suggest you look at your platforms and see how you want to share these contents.
Book Promotion – Graphics, Blurbs, Reviews, Videos, Tips, Personal Experience
Grief – Graphics – Social Media Posts, Videos, Tips, Personal Experience
Working On Your Dream – Graphics – Social Media Posts, Personal Experience,
TV/Movies – Graphics – Social Media Posts, Reviews, Personal Experience
Writing/Books – Graphics – Social Media Posts, Reviews, Personal Experience, Video, Audio
If you are published author, I suggest you do the above if you don’t have content. If you have content, I recommend you look at the content you published online and see what is still relevant and can be repurposed.
Repurposing Content Is Your Friend
Repurpose Content is evergreen content – content that is still relevant and you can use repeatedly.
I love repurposing content because I’ve found most times everyone in your circle has not seen the content. It also helps with not having to stay in creating content mode.
You’d be surprised how much content you have if you’ve been using social media for your book promotion.
Ways to check your content:
Blog Content – Check your dashboard. Which content was the most popular?
Facebook – The Memories section shows you your post for that day from the previous years. Look for the content you can reshare.
Look at the analytics for your social media posts. Which content was the most popular?
Look at your posts that get the most engagement. Is it something you can duplicate?
Building Relationships always starts with the content you share to your community. Make sure to select content you like to create because you don’t want to become overwhelmed with creating content.
Good content always helps you increase your engagement with your readers.
Action steps:
Creating Content:
Write down 3-5 topics you would like to share with your community.
Write down the ways you can share this content.
Create seven questions for each topic.
How can you use these questions to create content for your readers?
Repurpose Content:
Look at the content you created last year.
1. Did you write articles?
Can you use these articles for other avenues (reprints for magazines, articles on Linked-In, guest blogging, Blog posts, articles for your newsletters or other people newsletters?)
Do you have the links so you can reshare?
Can they be used as freebies to build your email list?
2. Did you create graphics?
Can they be used for this year?
Can you update them for this year?
3. Did you create audios?
Can they be used for this year?
Do you have the links so you can reshare?
Can they be used as freebies to build your email list?
Can they be turned into an audio series you can sell?
4. Did you create live streams/videos?
Can they be used for this year?
Do you have the links so you can reshare?
Can they be used as freebies to build your email list?
Can they be turned into a video series you can sell?
5. Did you do online interviews?
Do you have the links so you can reshare?
6. Did you do radio/podcast interviews?
Do you have the links so you can reshare?
Do you have the downloads for the interviews?
7. Did you teach an online class/or presentation?
Can you host the class/presentation this year?
Do you have a replay link to the class/presentation?
Can it be used as freebies to build your email list?
Can you turn into a series you can sell?
8. Did you create eBooks, PDF, worksheets, checklists?
Can you use them for this year?
Can they be used as freebies to build your email list?
Can you turn them into a series you can sell?
If you know someone who needs book promotion tips, share this newsletter with them.
Remember book promotion starts with YOU.
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See Ya On The Net,
What kind of content are you sharing with your readers?