Home   Uncategorized   Motivation Monday – July 29

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This week I was supposed to publish my first Building Your Readership book.  It’s not going to happen. I honestly can’t say when it will because I haven’t been focusing on getting it done.

I’ve been so deep inside my head beating myself up because I haven’t completed anything.  I thought I be finished with the third season of Love In Space and starting the next one in August. That hasn’t happened. I spent most of the month trying to decide which book to publish for the summer and now the summer is over.

I’m stopping me. 


That what if is in my head again. 

I know I need to get over it and I’m trying.

I’m reading this affirmation this week because I need it so bad and I need to believe it.

My word for the year is Complete. 

I’m glad I still have five more months to make it happen.

I’ll keep you posted because I will COMPLETE.

Do you have issues with being in your head and thinking what if?


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