Home   Uncategorized   Kindle Vella To Print – Using Vellum For Formatting

After a few months of procrastinating, I opened the Vellum software and uploaded the first book in the Building Your Relationship series.  It was time to learn formatting. I’d put it off long as I could. 

Fear had been whispering in my ear for months that it would be hard to learn and reminding me I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing.  I listened for a while then I realized that what I feared the most was getting the formatting to be perfect.  It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be done.  My mantra for the rest of the year. – Not perfect – Just done.

Vellum isn’t a hard platform it just takes time to learn how to work it. I’m still learning but it reminds me of my time laying out SORMAG Digital, my online magazine.  My favorite part of magazine publishing was creating the magazine layout. 

I plan on watching some more videos and visiting the Vellum site to learn more about this platform.  For now, I’m thankful that I was able to upload and start formatting.

Do you format your books, or do you pay someone to do them?


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