Hello Social Butterfly,
I’m excited about the new year and promoting new books. I love working with authors who are ready to promote their books. At this time of the year, I like to share my get ready to promote series. If you’re new to my community, this will be your first time seeing this series. If not, then it’s a good reminder to help get your book promotion ready.
The first part of the series is about five things you can do to start getting ready to promote your book.
#1 – Is Your Bio Ready?
If you plan on doing any type of interview, you will need a bio. Always ask how long of a bio they need because you don’t want to send a four-page bio when all they need is 250 words.
I recommend you create three bios: 25 words, 50 words, and 250 words. You can use them for your social media platforms. Check their word count because each one is different.
Action Steps:
Create a folder with your bios. (Create a digital folder on your phone)
Write your bios – (25 words, 50 words, and 250 words). Look at examples on Amazon to get a feel of how to write one.
Update your website and social media platform.
Update your Amazon Author page.