I know some authors would love to skip this but I believe you need a good headshot to go along with that wonderful bio you just wrote. Readers like to know what you look like.
#2 – Headshots
Some authors have a budget for doing a photo shoot every year. If you don’t have a budget right now, you can still create good headshots using your smartphone or a nice camera.
Get someone to take your picture. In the past, my teenage son has taken some amazing pictures of me. Only you know it wasn’t a professional shot. Remember these pictures will be used for interviews or any presentations you do. This isn’t the time for selfies in the car or the bathroom mirrors. You want to look professional in your picture not like you are hanging out.
Action Steps:
1. Take a few headshots.
2. Update your headshot on your website and social media platforms.
3. Update your headshots on Amazon Author.
4. Create a folder with your bios. (Create a digital folder on your phone)