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Author Archives : LaShaunda

Hello Social Butterfly, I’m excited about the new year and promoting new books.  I love working with authors who are ready to promote their books. At this time of the year, I like to share my get ready to promote series. If you’re new to my community, this will be your first time seeing this series.  If not, then it’s a good reminder to help get your book promotion ready. The first part of the series is
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This year I had a hard time falling asleep so I listen to music. Checked out my year in replay on Apple. It said my favorite music is Kpop. I’m not surprised since I listen to a lot of Kdrama music. Two soundtracks had me most nights – My Dearest and Flower Of Evil. They helped soothe my spirit to sleep. What does your music replay look like this year? Get Weekly Blog Updates –
What’s on your agenda for December? Here Are 31 Things To Do: Read a good book Work on your book Share your top books for the year Write a review Color a few sheets Work on a craft project Spend time with a friend Call a friend you haven’t talked in a while Enjoy a piece of cake or pie Make cookies Schedule your promotion so you have time to relax. Buy promotion ads for
When I joined Threads I decided to try something different and focus on one of my social media topics – Kdramas. I’m a huge fan of Kdramas. They remind me of romance novels in video form. I’ve found my community on Facebook and I decided to use Threads as a way to meet more Kdrama lovers. When I posted my post last Thursday about being addicted to Kdramas I didn’t expect it to go viral.
Mastering Book Reviews I believe getting reviews for a book is harder than selling a book. Your average reader won’t leave a review.  Not because they didn’t enjoy the book but because they don’t enjoy writing reviews, or they never consider writing one. In this issue, we will focus on trying to convince those who never considered writing a review. I will share five ways to invite this reader to write a review for your
The King Loves The Crown Prince and his best friend both fall in love with the same woman. My Ratings: The shows I share here will only be the ones I like and recommend watching.  I don’t believe in bashing shows because what I don’t like you might love. I have four rating: Good – Kept My Interest Great – I enjoyed it Loved it – Had me in my feelings The Best – Made
My first lesson with Vellum was figuring out which style to use for the book.  I didn’t have a clue.  I did a search on popular fonts to use and got a few recommendations.  I asked a few questions in the Clubhouse rooms because I couldn’t figure out why what I had on screen didn’t look like what I had in the pdf.  It was all about the styles.  I sat with it and played
After a few months of procrastinating, I opened the Vellum software and uploaded the first book in the Building Your Relationship series.  It was time to learn formatting. I’d put it off long as I could.  Fear had been whispering in my ear for months that it would be hard to learn and reminding me I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing.  I listened for a while then I realized that what
That Winter, the Wind Blows A talented gambler plans to scam a woman who is the heir to a large corporation in order to pay back his debt to a gangster. However, he soon finds that they have more in common that he thought. My Ratings: The shows I share here will only be the ones I like and recommend watching.  I don’t believe in bashing shows because what I don’t like you might love.