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Author Archives : LaShaunda

This year I decided to do something different and write a book for the Kindle Vella platform.  It has been an interesting journey.  One lesson it taught me is that promotion is a joint effort.  So, I decided to help the other authors on the platform by introducing their books to you. If you’ve never tried Kindle Vella books, I highly recommend you give it a chance.  It’s a different way to enjoy a book. 
Today I’m participating in a blog hop for Kindle Vella books.  Please take a moment and check out the books in this hop.  Come back and tell me which one was your favorite and you’ll continue to read. Genre: Non Fiction Building Your Readership The hardest part about promoting a book is finding your readers.  Inside this book I share 10 ways to start building your readership.  Each episode gives you tips and action steps
Last month I participated in the Feed Your Dream Summit. Click the link to check out the replay: https://admin.headliner.ai/feed-your-dreams-summit-dreamers-in-publishing-promotion This month I was invited to present at the Motown Networking Group.  I did presentation on 10 Ways To Get Ready For Book Promotion. Click the link to check out the replay: I was also invited to an interview with the Black Book Festival Podcast. Click the link to check out the replay: I had a
If you haven’t heard about Amazon’s new platform – Kindle Vella this summer, I have to believe you’ve been living in a cave. Late spring Amazon debuted this new platform for readers.  The readers pay for each chapter instead of a whole book.  The author submits chapters, daily, weekly, or monthly.  This isn’t a new concept; a few other platforms offer it.  Amazon decided to get into the game.  They give you 200 tokens for
Your email is your #1 promotion tool for your book promotion. If you are promoting without one, you are re-inventing the promotion wheel with each book. Join the Email Boot Camp and get on the path to building your readership. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/EBOOTCAMP
Meet  Dee Bowden Collect the Cash – www.collectthecash.biz/book Elman Woodson Look Up – www.elmanwoodson2.wixsite.com/lookup http://elmanwoodson.com Host:  LaShaunda C. Hoffman http://lashaundahoffman.com Building Online Relationships – http://bit.ly/BORLCH This episode’s Sponsor – Using Canva For Book Promotion https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SBWORKSHOP Would you like to be featured or Sponsor SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe? https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SWCafePodcast LISTEN – COMMENT – SHARE 
This month inside the Social Butterfly Promotion Group we’re going to talk about getting your promotion kit ready. Join us today – https://www.facebook.com/groups/SBPTG Do you have all ten tools in your kit? Your promotion kit is what you need to get started promoting. These tools will get you on the right path to becoming a Social Butterfly. You don’t need all the tools at once, but if you get the basic ones in order 1-7,
This month I’m cleaning up my FB groups. 1. When was the last time you visited the group and engaged? 2. Is it a group you want to stay in? 3. If no, unsubscribe 4. If yes, read a few posts, make comments and start a new conversation. 5. Move to the next group and repeat. Will you join me on cleaning up our FB groups.Remember engagement starts with you. You joined the group to
Have you Ever found it hard to find Joy Amid life’s trials and adversities?  Well, you are not alone! Ninety phenomenal coauthors give real talk about love and healing in “Finding Joy in the Journey VOL 2”. Providing Tips and Tools for Healthy Ways to NAVIGATE THROUGH ANY DIFFICULT SITUATION In her 12th Anthology, Finding Joy in the Journey Vol 2., Vernessa Blackwell brings together 90 authors from around the world who share their personal
CLICK TRIANGLE TO PLAY. Qiana Davis https://amzn.to/3xIaZmj https://www.qianacdavis.com/ Mj Fievre https://amzn.to/3emtqW3​ https://www.badassblackgirl.com Host: LaShaunda C. Hoffman http://lashaundahoffman.com http://bit.ly/BORLCH This episode’s Sponsor – Using Canva For Book Promotion https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SBWORKSHOP Would you like to be featured on SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe? Submit to 1sormag@gmail.com: Title, Genre, Link To Purchase Headshot, Website Sponsor Our Podcast https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SWCafePodcast LISTEN – COMMENT – SHARE