Welcome to the sixth day of the Are You Ready To Promote 7 Day Challenge Today’s challenge is about: Your Calendar CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO http://bit.ly/1u8PuZU Your calendar is an important part of your promotion. This is where your promotion plan goes, so you can stay on track with your goals. I’ve learned a calendar helps keep you organized and it great to be able to see where you are or where you are
Author Archives : LaShaunda
Every Wednesday I showcase a video I did on Periscope. Most are about book promotion. I will continue to showcase them because we all could use a little promotion help. I would like to invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel. It’s where I host my videos, so if you missed a few you can check them out there. CLICK to subscribe You can also write a review or share with a friend. Do
It has been a crazy summer. Some days I feel like a chicken running around with my head chopped off. In June I decided to get back into live streaming. So I started Break With LaShaunda on Monday and Wednesdays on my FB Page. I give 15 minute promotion tips. This month is all about what happens after the launch. You can catch the replays – https://www.facebook.com/pg/lashaundachoffman/videos On Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m on Periscope offering
How Do You Know If Your Promotion Is Working? On Bestselling lists Meeting new readers Your numbers are growing (mailing lists – social media platforms) Invitations (articles, magazines, radio shows) I will be hosting the Book Festival again this year – November Stay tune for more info. Download The Promotion Kit Checklist to see if you are ready to promote.- http://bit.ly/1MRSlzx Join my promotion group – See Ya On
My Book Isn’t Selling Three tips: What are you doing right now? Try something new Up your game