Welcome to the fourth day of the Are You Ready To Promote 7 Day Challenge Today’s challenge is about: Your Goals CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO http://bit.ly/1xZ2CjC Do you set SMART Goals for your online promotion? Most writers set writing goals, but have you considered setting promotion goals. What is it you want from your promotion? PROMOTION GOALS FOR THE YEAR –EXAMPLE Blog Tour Radio Interviews – 1 a month Magazine Interviews – one every
Author Archives : LaShaunda
Every Wednesday I showcase a video I did on Periscope. Most are about book promotion. I will continue to showcase them because we all could use a little promotion help. I would like to invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel. It’s where I host my videos, so if you missed a few you can check them out there. CLICK to subscribe You can also write a review or share with a friend. Do
It has been a crazy summer. Some days I feel like a chicken running around with my head chopped off. In June I decided to get back into live streaming. So I started Break With LaShaunda on Monday and Wednesdays on my FB Page. I give 15 minute promotion tips. This month is all about what happens after the launch. You can catch the replays – https://www.facebook.com/pg/lashaundachoffman/videos On Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m on Periscope offering
How Do You Know If Your Promotion Is Working? On Bestselling lists Meeting new readers Your numbers are growing (mailing lists – social media platforms) Invitations (articles, magazines, radio shows) I will be hosting the Book Festival again this year – November Stay tune for more info. Download The Promotion Kit Checklist to see if you are ready to promote.- http://bit.ly/1MRSlzx Join my promotion group – See Ya On
My Book Isn’t Selling Three tips: What are you doing right now? Try something new Up your game
Four tips on how to attract readers Conferences – Online/Offline Locally Book Club – Locally/Online Create your own