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Welcome to the fourth day of the Are You Ready To Promote 7 Day Challenge Today’s challenge is about: Your Goals CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO http://bit.ly/1xZ2CjC Do you set SMART Goals for your online promotion? Most writers set writing goals, but have you considered setting promotion goals. What is it you want from your promotion? PROMOTION GOALS FOR THE YEAR –EXAMPLE Blog Tour Radio Interviews – 1 a month Magazine Interviews – one every
Welcome to the third day of the Are You Ready To Promote 7 Day Challenge Today’s challenge is about: Emails/Email signatures LISTEN TO THE AUDIO http://bit.ly/1y9bJi2 Don’t make the media hunt you down, make sure your email addresses are listed on your website, blog, social media pages and your promotional items (bookmarks, book covers, business cards etc. Your email signature is an important part of your book promotion plan. This is the best form of
Welcome to the second day of the Are You Ready To Promote 7 Day Challenge Today’s challenge is about: Mailing Lists CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO For me this is your number one promotion tool.  I don’t recommend you promote without one.  Part of your promotion strategy is meet new readers.  If you have no way to capture these readers, you are promoting to the wind. Make sure you create a mailing list on a
This month is all about getting ready to promote.  I will share with you a 7 Day Challenge I did about getting ready.  The group is closed, so feel free to post in the comments. Today’s challenge is about your home base. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO AUDIO If you don’t have a website, please consider getting your own domain. When readers look for you, they look for your site first. Not everyone is on
Every Wednesday I showcase a video I did on Periscope.  Most are about book promotion. I will continue to showcase them because we all could use a little promotion help. I would like to invite you to subscribe to my Youtube channel.  It’s where I host my videos, so if you missed a few you can check them out there. CLICK to subscribe You can also write a review or share with a friend. Do
It has been a crazy summer.  Some days I feel like a chicken running around with my head chopped off. In June I decided to get back into live streaming.  So I started Break With LaShaunda on Monday and Wednesdays on my FB Page. I give 15 minute promotion tips.  This month is all about what happens after the launch.  You can catch the replays – https://www.facebook.com/pg/lashaundachoffman/videos On Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m on Periscope offering
    How Do You Know If Your Promotion Is Working? On Bestselling lists   Meeting new readers   Your numbers are growing (mailing lists – social media platforms)   Invitations (articles, magazines, radio shows)   I will be hosting the Book Festival again this year – November Stay tune for more info. Download The Promotion Kit Checklist to see if you are ready to promote.- http://bit.ly/1MRSlzx Join my promotion group – See Ya On
My Book Isn’t Selling Three tips: What are you doing right now? Try something new Up your game  
Four tips on how to attract readers Conferences – Online/Offline Locally Book Club – Locally/Online Create your own    
Two years ago when I hit upload on Create Space, I didn’t know what to expect.  I was scared to death but I was also excited to know my dream of being a published author had finally come true.  It wasn’t as I imagined – romance author, but it was about my second love – book promotion. This has been amazing two year journey.  I’ve learned so much about me, my writing and promotion.  I