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Author Archives : LaShaunda

Tools That Help Me Rock My Book Promotion Evernote Canva.com Hootsuite.com Mad Mimi
Today’s Promotion Fear – My Books Aren’t Selling Like Hers This fear will stop you in your tracks quickly.  You haven’t made the best seller’s list like another author.  She’s on FB talking about all her new readers.  She’s signing at all the hottest conferences. You want to crawl in a hole and never come out.  Don’t do it. You are not her and your book isn’t hers either.  Each writer has their own path. 
Thank you for participating in my Book Anniversary Contest. Below you will find the winners names.  If you are a winner – send me your mailing address to lchwriter@gmail.com Venita Alderman Sadler Tracy Tee Mitchell Denise Walker Savannah Jackson LaToya Murchison Jackie Holness Michelle Stephens Paula McDade Author Vulyncia Poindexter Allyson M. Deese Terry T-Bone Bible Larissa Evans-Trapp Jessie Butler Chicki Brown Vaneka Miles  
Next Thursday marks the 2nd anniversary my book was published.  I’m hosting a contest /giveaway to celebrate. I wanted to give out 27 books, since the anniversary date is the 27th.  I have such amazing writer friends who donated books, that I have 70 books to giveaway.  Yes you read right 70 books.  How crazy is that? I’m starting the contest today.  Each day up to the 27th, I will give away 10 books each
In honor of 2nd Anniversary I’m offering FREE Postage if you order an autograph copy. Get your copy today CLICK Become the social butterfly you are meant to be.
Promotion Fear – I Can’t Toot My Own Horn A lot of writers have a hard time tooting their own horn.  I will be honest and say I fall into this category.  I can promote other people’s book with no problem.  I love raving about other books, I’ve been doing it for years. You would think when it came to my own book, I wouldn’t have a problem.  I can only speak for myself, but
Are you procrastinating?  Is Fear stopping you from finishing? Watch how I motivated myself.    
Today’s Promotion Fear –  I’m Afraid To Try New Platforms. It’s so easy to stay in places we feel comfortable with.  You love FB, you know how to work FB and you enjoy talking to your followers. What if your followers aren’t your reading audience? Is time to step out of your comfort zone and try a new platform.  That can be very scary and sometimes time consuming.  I promise you it’s so worth it.
    10 Tips to help you ROCK online and offline events. Don’t sign up for events if you are not a people person Be On Time Bring your business cards  – Have your links prepared if you are online (website/blog) Bring your book – Have your links (to buy book, excerpts, synopsis) Have something to say about you and your book Participate Stay Positive Make connections Don’t Get Made If You Don’t Sell Talk
Today’s Promotion Fear – Not Being Able To Keep Up With Promotion I talked about finding a balance when it comes to your promotion.  I will be the first to admit with my first book, I overwhelmed myself with my promotion.  It was my first time promoting my own book and I wanted to be everywhere and I didn’t think about balance.  I can tell you from experience I do not recommend not having balance.