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Building your readership is a main goal of a writer. Watch this video for a few tips on building your readership. How To Build Your Readership https://www.periscope.tv/SORMAG/1lDGLeQOkjyJm?
Your promotion kit is what you need to get started promoting. These tools will get you on the right path to become a social butterfly. You don’t need all the tools at once, but if you get the basic ones in order 1-7, then you can work on the last three as needed. Check out this video series. Do You Have A Promotion Kit https://www.periscope.tv/SORMAG/1ynJOWyBbpZJR? Promotion Kit Part 2 https://www.periscope.tv/SORMAG/1YpKkdlLRoYGj? Promotion Kit Part 3 https://www.periscope.tv/SORMAG/1BRJjEgQWYvGw?
Last week I had a nice virtual tea with LaShaunda.  Yes I have to have sessions with myself. I’ve been dealing with am I writer or do I like talking about being a writer. I’ve been in stuck mode when it comes to my writing for months since I published my first book. I’m sitting in the car and I admit I like talking about being a writer.  Writing is hard sometimes.  I’d rather talk
If you know me I’m the person who does the interviews.  I love interviewing people and learning more about them.  I feel like Barbara Walters or Oprah – my favorite interviewers they could always dig deep and get the best interviews. Now when you sit in the other seat it’s another thing. It can be intimidating if you don’t know what the questions will be. You pray your tongue and brain work right and you
What stage of promotion are you in: Promotion Caterpillar – On/Off Promotion Promotion Cocoon – Learning Promotion Social Butterfly – Rocking Promotion Promotion Caterpillar – On/Off Promotion You are in this stage if: Never Promoted Before Promote When You Feel Like It No Readership No Promotion Mindset No Promotion Plan Promotion Cocoon – Learning Promotion When you go into the promotion cocoon, you go into learning mode. Learning To Change Your Promotion Mindset Learning To
When you deal with fear it can be an everyday thing.  It doesn’t go away as some people say, it visits you often.  In my research to beat fear, I’m learning fear is a good thing.  It gets you out of your comfort zone if you choose to move past it. I’m very happy in my comfort zone because I’m used to it.  However, I’m not living my dream because I refuse to leave my
  Are You Using Blogs To Build Relationships Find six blogs that cater to your genre Visit the blogs Don’t be a lurker Request to be a guest Start the process all over again.
Promotion is hard. A lot of people don’t talk about how hard promotion can be because they don’t want to seem like they can’t do it. I lot of people don’t realize that you are not born a promoter, it’s a learned skilled.  Not talking about how hard promotion can be and not asking for help will make you do some crazy things. Promotion takes commitment, consistency and creativity. Yesterday an author decided to use
Are You Using Your Blog To Build Relationships? When you decide to blog: Keys For Successful blogging Be consistent Pay attention to your audience needs Be authentic It’s not about you Engagement is key Think outside the box Building Relationships With Your Blog Who is your audience? What will you blog about? How often will you blog? Respond to comments Share your blog link on social media or your newsletter Invite others to your blog
Promotion can be a hard process and if you are making these mistakes it will make the process even harder. Do not send a buy my book message to a new friend. Do not post a buy my book on someone’s page. Tagging for promotion. Adding people to your group Sending messages for help before you’ve built a relationship Which mistake are you making on social media?