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Author Archives : LaShaunda

This is my last day as a 48 year old. It has been an interesting year. I’ve done some amazing things. I’ve had some fun days, some valley days, and some trials, but I’m glad that I get to see a new year. I’m happy I get to continue on this journey of publication. I’m excited I’m able to share this journey with you and encourage you to start your own journey because life is
I’m gonna use to be my favorite word. I’m gonna write a book. I’m gonna go to Paris. I’m gonna see the world. I’m gonna do videos.  Over the years I realized I was saying I’m gonna and not doing a dog on thing but talk. I’m gonna was a part of my fear mentality. It was easy to say what I’m gonna do instead of sitting down creating a plan and making it happen.
The first time I was called the “N” word was last year on a scope I was doing. A troll came into the scope and decided to shake up my world. I politely blocked him. When I thought about it later, I realized that was the first time I’d been called that word and I thought that was amazing since I was 48 and a Black woman living in America. Yes I have experienced a
15 Random Things About Me  I love romantic movies I like dancing in the kitchen Popcorn and grilled cheese are my comfort food I love bacon. It’s the only pork that I eat I joined the Navy my junior in high school I wrote my first book when I was 16 I bought my first adult coloring book this year. Coloring relaxes me I have a new hobby called Pocket Letters I have a fan
I wrote my first manuscript when I was 16. It was hot romance. It’s funny now, but back then, I was an innocent teenager with no experience in the romance department. I don’t know how I was writing about it. All I can say is I had a vivid imagination. My mother’s friend volunteered to edit the story for me and she told my mom, “How does she know about all this stuff? ” I
When I decided I wanted to be a writer I had a lot of hope.  Hope that one day someone would like my story enough to want to publish it.  Hope that my book would be read by someone who enjoyed it.  Hope that I would continue to write more books that sold and were read. If you are a writer you know sometimes hope is all you have when your publication journey takes years
I can honestly say that I never thought I would be anyone’s coach.  I will admit, that I love every moment of it. I think I like the term mentor more.  I think coach, intimidates people, they think something is wrong with them when they need a coach.  So not true, a coach is there to help you become better in whatever is challenging you.  There’s nothing wrong with getting help with challenges.  That’s how you
Having friends is an important part of my life.  I have a couple that who have been in my life since I was a kid and some that I only know because of the internet.  I think a few of them are closer friends than some I see in person. I believe people come in your life for a season.  It took me a few years to understand this because I use to think friendship was
If you know me, you know I can’t imagine my life without music.  I know there is a soundtrack to my life.  My love of music comes from my mother and my father.  They both played music and even though my father left my life when I was 7, I still remember music he played on the record player.  Yes, I said record player, I don’t know if they even exist anymore. I bought my
I started Shades Of Romance Magazine before there was social media.   Promotion was all about participating in groups, forums and blogs.  It was fun hanging out in forums and talking to authors and readers.  Everyone was passionate about writing and books. I never dreamed about making money with the magazine.  I was doing something I loved.  When people ask me about starting a business I tell them to do something they would do for free