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Author Archives : LaShaunda

  There are few days left in the year and still time to complete a few goals.  Stay focus and do the WORK.
Make Time to Work On Your Dream Today
Promotion is all about consistency. I learned when you create a plan and you work your plan, you will see results with your promotion. I would like to teach you how I use a promotion calendar to help me with my promotion. This calendar is how I stay consistent with my promotion for SORMAG and now my own books. You will learn: How to set promotion goals How to find where your readers are How
Friday I opened my FaceBook and the newsfeed was full of have you tried the Patti Labelle’s Pie? I didn’t know she’d created a pie so of course I want to see what the talk is all about. One super fan did a video that went viral.  He loved the pie, he sang about the pie he bought five pies.  Then the sharing began and no telling how many other people went and bought the pie. Did
Do you want to start your own Facebook group? Check out what I have to say about starting a Facebook Group. Why Do You Want A Group What Is Your Group About? Rules For Your Group Have Theme Days Be A Part Of Your Group  
I’m sure you have a group pet peeves.  Below are few of mine. Adding Members Without Permission Group No Identity Drive By Promotion Solutions: Send An Invite Or Ask For Permission Have A Reason For Your Group With Rules Promote On Promotion Date Get To Know The Members Social media is about building relationships not about wrecking them before they get started.
Having the right mindset helps a lot when it comes to writing and promotion. When I started writing at 16, I have a wonderful mindset I was all about being a best selling author.  I dreamed big and didn’t have a problem with going after them. Over the years, I chipped at my mindset until I no longer believed in myself or my dreams. I don’t recommend going down that path. I do recommend staying
This week I will be sharing periscopes I did on FaceBook Groups.  I believe groups are a great way to promote your books and engage with readers. Today’s periscope is about how to be a good Facebook Member Read The Guidelines – Most people join the group and start talking.  Take time to read the guidelines Check out the previous posts Introduce yourself Visit the group and make comments Be The Expert – Share your wisdom
SORMAG is hosting its first Online Book Festival and you are invited to attend. CLICK To Register Today