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Author Archives : LaShaunda

I’m trying a new platform called Periscope. It’s live streaming. I decided to try it to conquer my fear of getting in front of the camera. I’ve been talking about doing videos for two years and the I’m gonna had been winning out. I’d heard about Periscope when it first hit the web, but I didn’t really understand it. A friend name Candas invited me to her scope and I was hooked. It took me
When Women Become Business Owners (A Stepping Into Victory Compilation Book 1) Are you a business owner? A freelancer? A stay-at-home mom? Are you still working a nine-to-five job, but dream of working for yourself? There is great joy and risk to becoming an entrepreneur. This anthology seeks to provide hope for the journey and a roadmap for finding balance as an entrepreneur. According to the 2014 The State of Women-Owned Business Report, the number
On my previous blog I shared information about grief.  I’ve decided on the first Saturday of the month I will offer a grief post.  This is something we all deal with but don’t talk about.  I would like to open it up for dialogue, I know for me talking about it helps me heal.  I hope it will do the same for you. This month is the anniversary of my mother’s 68th birthday and the
Last month we discussed things not to do on Facebook, so I thought you might appreciate a few tips on what to do on Facebook. 1. Ask Questions This is a great way to interact with your readers or followers. I ask a different questions each day. It gets my followers talking and I learn more about them. You can do the same. Read more tips in the latest issue of See Ya On The
You are your best promoter. I tell my clients all the time.  You can’t sell books if know one knows about them. You are your best promoter when it comes to your book. You know your book best. You know what makes your book work. You know why readers should read your book. You know where all the good parts to share. You should always be the first person to talk your book up.  Tell
SOCIAL MEDIA 101 – Dos & Don’ts How To Create A Mailing List How To Create Social Media Graphics SOCIAL MEDIA 102 – Groups See Ya On The Net – May Workshops – Hands On Training FOR MORE INFO: http://conta.cc/1P6xovJ
I know as a writer you want to run away from the promotion side of your business. I know I do some days, but as I tell my clients. If no one knows your book exists they can’t buy it. Every now and then I will run into someone at an event who has never heard of Shades Of Romance Magazine. Maybe you haven’t either. http://sormag.blogspot.com – http://sormag.com Instead of getting insulted I realized I
This is a question most writers don’t think about. Most are on social media because that’s what THEY say do. However when you join a social media platform you need to know WHY? Knowing why you are on social media will help you determine your goals for social media, then you can create a plan to help you find time to be on social media, get results from being on social media, and feel like
Did you know the biggest search engine is Youtube? People are using it to learn how to do things, to share their content, and to reach new readers. Have you joined the fun? You can offer: How to write videos Excerpts Of Your Books The Life Of A Writer Do you have a Youtube channel – share the link? http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2015.html
Understand that you may not master every social media platform. Find what works well for you & use that platform. Many authors think they have to be on every social media platform.  They eventually become overwhelmed and stop participating. I suggest to my clients that they should pick 3 platforms and participate on them.  Have fun and it won’t feel like work. Don’t try to master everything.  Become an expert in three and interact with