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Are you using Twitter to promote your book? Here are a few links on how to promote on Twitter. How to Use Twitter to Promote Your New Book http://michaelhyatt.com/how-to-use-twitter-to-promote-your-… How to Use Twitter Lists as a Book Promotion Tool http://bookmarketingmaven.typepad.com/…/how-to-use-twitter-… The 12 Most Important Twitter Hashtags for Promoting Your Book http://readerswritersjournal.com/…/twitter-for-book-promot…/ How to Promote Your Book on Twitter: An Intermediate’s Guide to Tweeting http://blog.bookbaby.com/…/twitter-202-for-authors-an-inte…/ 15 Powerful Twitter Promotion Ideas http://twittertoolsbook.com/promotion-ideas/ http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2015.html
Do you set SMART Goals? What are SMART Goals? SMART is a term created by George T. Doran which stands for: Specific Your goals should be very specific. Measurable Your goals should be measurable. So you know when you reached them. Attainable Your goals should be attainable. Don’t set goals you’ll never reach. Realistic Your goals should be realistic, something you can complete and you have control over. Timely Your goals should have a deadline.
Most writers don’t think about their readers when they start writing their books. However, this is the perfect time to imagine who will be reading your books. You want to cater your writing to this reader. You want to be able to touch deep inside of their heart. Answer the following questions about you reader? What age is your reader? What gender? Where does your reader live? How much does your reader make? What is
Most writers don’t ask questions when it comes to their promotions, so they don’t get the help they need to get their books out there. Do you accept indie books for review? How much does it cost to feature my book in your magazine? How do I set up a mailing list? How do I use a social media manager? Don’t be afraid to ask questions when it comes to your promotion. Do you have
Promotion isn’t about the sale. Promotion is about keeping yourself in front of the reader so they know who you are. People buy from people they trust. If they don’t know you, they have a hard time spending their money on you. That’s why businesses advertise, so you know who they are and feel comfortable enough to try them out, same for book promotion. You do the blog tour, you buy ad in online magazines,
Here are five ways to get the most out an online conference  1. Participate – Join in on the discussions, share your wisdom, meet new people, have a little fun. There is always a chance to introduce yourself and you book, take advantage of this and toot your own horn.  2.  Links – make sure you include a link to your website with every post.  You want those in attendance to stop by your website. 
Newsletters are a good way to communicate with your readers.  You can keep them up to date with what’s going on with your writing and books. You can feature your upcoming events dates. You can do mini interviews with fellow authors. You can showcase pictures of events you attended. You can offer writing tips. You can answer fan letters. Make your newsletter fun and keep a subscribe link on your website. http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2015.html
When it comes to promotion consistency is very important. I recommend to my clients to keep a calendar. It will help you be consistent. Using a social media manager like hoot suite is also another way to keep you consistent. When you do it sporadic you let other things get in your way and before you know it you’re not promoting. Tip: Create a promotion calendar. It will include your social media schedule, your schedule
When you start promoting your books, there are few jargons that come up a lot. Here are few : Blurb – A short summary of your book that is normally used for the text on the back of the book Synopsis – A summary of the major points of your book. It’s usually a longer than the blurb. Sometimes they can be 1-2 pages or 1-25 pages depending on who is requesting it. ARC—Advance Reading
An interview is a fun way to promote your book and meet new readers. Take time to schedule one or two interviews a month. Below are a few tips to help with your interviews. 1. Complete the interview. A lot of authors miss their opportunity for an interview because they don’t complete the interview. 2. Copy and paste the interview Most blogs/sites copy and paste the interview to their posts. It’s a lot easier for