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Author Archives : LaShaunda

If you don’t tell people about your book, they can’t buy it. Don’t expect your publisher to do all the promotion, they won’t. You have to make time to promote. Only you know your schedule. Do you have one free hour every day? Do you have two free hours a day? Or do you only have 30 minutes to work with. Believe me if you focus your time, you can do a lot in 30
I will be the first to say this one of my biggest challenges. I would love to hear from someone this isn’t an issue for. I will share that I’m getting a little better with my time. Last year I had 30 minutes before I had to get my last kid off to school. I used that time to read emails, post on social media and do a little SORMAG work. You’d be surprise how
I’m hosting a promotion challenge this week and in the private group I asked the participants what are their promotion challenges. There were five challenges that everyone had. Over next few days I will share these challenges with you. I will admit fear has engulfed me when it comes to my writing. I actually stopped writing for a few years because I feared what others think. For some reason when it came to promoting SORMAG
Here are few social media tips to get you started for the new year. Linked In 12 Minutes A Day http://www.sociallystacked.com/2013/06/small-business-social-friday-linkedin-in-12-minutes-a-day/ Instagram In 10 Minutes A Day http://www.sociallystacked.com/2013/08/small-biz-social-friday-instagram-in-10-minutes-a-day/ Twitter in 12 Minutes A Day http://www.sociallystacked.com/2013/05/small-business-social-friday-twitter-in-12-minutes-a-day/ Facebook in 11 Minutes A Day http://www.sociallystacked.com/2013/03/facebook-in-11-minutes-a-day/
I always think of the new year as a fresh start. No regrets just get ready to do better. I had an amazing 2014. I was able to cross off a lot of my goals the most important one was my promotion book. It is on its way to being finalized. I learned so much that I need to do a whole post on that so stay tuned. I’m working only goals for this year