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The month of December was supposed to be the month I completed the editing on my manuscript.  Mr. Fear knocked on my door and I let him sit on the couch for the whole month. Now I wasn’t being lazy, I had tons of things I was working on. I hosted SORMAG’s Online Book Festival.  I taught The Promotion Book Camp.  I created all the content for the Book Camp. I worked on a few
One of my biggest issues with dealing with fear is admitting that I dealt with fear.  I called it procrastination, lateness, I’ll do it tomorrow, or I’m gonna do it. It was easy to call it a different name than what it was – FEAR. I’m a Christian, we’re not supposed to fear anything but God.  Unfortunately that’s not true.  There are a lot of Christians dealing with fear; some are probably calling it everything
We all have choices. We can choose to watch t.v. every day and not write. We can choose to hang out with our friends every weekend and not write. We can go to the gym or do other things and avoid writing. We can talk on the phone until the wee hours and not write. These are the choices that we make. As a writer you have to make the choices that are best for
I decided to revisit some posts I did on fear. I wanted to share my fears about writing, to show you how far I’ve come and how far you can come too. Don’t let fear stop you from working on your dreams. Don’t be stuck for years like I was, just living and not doing what I truly wanted to do.  LCH This year I chose the word Fear as my word of the year.
I’m hosting a promotion challenge this week and in the private group I asked the participants what are their promotion challenges. There were five challenges that everyone had. Over next few days I will share these challenges with you. I will admit fear has engulfed me when it comes to my writing. I actually stopped writing for a few years because I feared what others think. For some reason when it came to promoting SORMAG