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The writing bug hit me when I was nine. I kept a diary with all my nine-year-old secrets. I wrote in my journals until I was twenty-five. I wrote my first manuscript at sixteen. I dreamed of being a published writer for many years. At 48, my publishing dream came true. Was it worth the long wait? Every minute of it because I was learning the craft as I waited. I was learning from some
I am willing to put in the work and time necessary to successfully promote my book.
I am confident in my ability to connect with potential readers and build a fanbase.
I am open to new opportunities and willing to take risks to promote my book.
I have the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively promote my book.
I am proud of my book and I am excited to share it with others.
I believe in the value and worth of my book, and I am confident in its ability to make a positive impact on readers.
I trust in my ability to achieve success as a science fiction romance author.
I am dedicated to honing my skills as a science fiction romance author.
I am motivated and excited to share my stories with the world.