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Content Marketing – Share valuable content related to your book’s themes, characters, or research on your blog and social media. First, I want to say thank you for taking time to read this newsletter so you can start building your infrastructure. My hope for you is these newsletters will help you improve your book promotion. Now let’s talk about content marketing. Content marketing isn’t for everyone but if you are using online promotion, it’s a
This month inside the Building Your Readership Newsletter I’m sharing about the Book Promotion Infrastructure so I thought I’d also share the videos I did. This is Part 2.
This month inside the Building Your Readership Newsletter I’m sharing about the Book Promotion Infrastructure so I thought I’d also share the videos I did. This is Part 1.
7 Steps To A Book Promotion Plan When I wrote my book Building Online Relationships – One Reader At A Time. I didn’t have the title of Book Promotion Strategist. I was an author who wanted to sell copies of my book. I sat down and wrote things I wanted to do for my book. I wanted to do something each month for the rest of the year. I will be honest and say I
First, I want to say thank for taking time out of your day to read this newsletter. If you subscribed so you don’t miss an issue, I’m happy for you because you are on your way to building your book promotion infrastructure. Let’s talk about book covers and blurbs. They are important to your book promotion infrastructure because they are the two tools you will probably use the most when you promote your book. You want
Last weekend a woman on TikTok broke the internet with her 50 video series about her and husband. What fascinated me about the videos is how many people were watching them and how many shared the link telling other to go watch them. You know the promotion strategist jumped on that because there were lessons to learn. Check Out The Video I Did On TikTok. Did you watch the videos? Did you share to your
Look what came in the mail yesterday? As a person who teaches book promotion I believe in staying in the know about book promotion which means taking classes and reading the latest books on book promotion. Debra Owsley is someone who loves authors and always helping to support them. I’m grateful to call her fiend. I’m looking forward to learning new strategies from this book. Get your copy today. https://amzn.to/3Nntrd7
I started my summer series on my Facebook Author Page. I will be sharing the tools you need to build your Infrastructure. Here’s the link to Part 1 https://fb.watch/k-mtXBz3WC/ I will be back June 13 with three more tools. Join me live.
Today’s Promotion Fear – #10 My Promotion Won’t Work The only way your promotion won’t work is when you’re not promoting.  You must promote to find out if your promotion is not working. I know promoting can be scary but if you want to get your book in front of readers, you must step out of your comfort zone and start promoting. When you start promoting you can check the results to see if your
Today’s Promotion Fear – My Books Aren’t Selling Like Hers This fear will stop you in your tracks quickly.  You haven’t made the best seller’s list like another author.  She’s on FB talking about all her new readers.  She’s signing at all the hottest conferences. You want to crawl in a hole and never come out.  Don’t do it. You are not her and your book isn’t hers either.  Each author  has their own path.  If