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I’m always asked how to write a book.  I always say, to sit down and write.  It’s easy to say you want to write a book, the hard part is writing the book.  Many people will leave this earth because they want make time to write the book that’s in there heart.  They’d rather talk about it. I was that way for many years.  I loved talking about writing, but I wasn’t doing much writing. 
The first time I was called the “N” word was last year on a scope I was doing. A troll came into the scope and decided to shake up my world. I politely blocked him. When I thought about it later, I realized that was the first time I’d been called that word and I thought that was amazing since I was 48 and a Black woman living in America. Yes I have experienced a
I started Shades Of Romance Magazine before there was social media.   Promotion was all about participating in groups, forums and blogs.  It was fun hanging out in forums and talking to authors and readers.  Everyone was passionate about writing and books. I never dreamed about making money with the magazine.  I was doing something I loved.  When people ask me about starting a business I tell them to do something they would do for free
I’m happy my children were able to see me live my dream of being a published author.  I hope it inspired them to go after their dreams. My youngest, Sean has enjoyed this new journey as much as I have.  He took my book to school for show and tell. He was super proud to show off a book that his mother wrote.  He gave two autograph copies to his favorite teachers and he tells
I love that my hubby get’s me.  He understands my dreams and supports them.  He bought me my first computer and was my first editor for SORMAG when I first started. When I have my pity parties about my book not selling for the week, he asks have I had a Virtual Tea with LaShaunda to get myself back on track.  He knows that this journey hasn’t been easy for me, but he will not let
If you’ve followed me you know I deal with fear a lot. Sometimes I get mad at myself for letting it stop me for so many years. Then I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. You have to be ready for change and you have to be ready to do the work to change. I wasn’t at that time. After my mom died I realized I truly wasn’t living the life
I’m a tools girl. I love learning about new tools or apps that help make my life easier. In this scope I share the tools I use to help me with my book promotion. 1. Evernote.com 2. Canva.com 3. Hootsuite.com 4. Madmimi.com What tools do you use to help with your book promotion?      
  There are few days left in the year and still time to complete a few goals.  Stay focus and do the WORK.
SORMAG is hosting its first Online Book Festival and you are invited to attend. CLICK To Register Today