Home   Business Journey   Balancing Promotion and Working Your Business

Today I want to talk a little more about balance. 

For me promotion and working my business has always been an issue, because I wear many hats, and finding time to do both is hard. 

Sometimes we overwhelm ourselves when we try to do everything.  I know I learned this the hard way when I was a caregiver for my mother.  I was working, being a wife and mom, doing SORMAG, trying to write, hosting a radio show and running back in forth to the hospital.  I wore my little body out.  I went from a size six to a two and I wasn’t exercising.  I was losing weight and hair because I was stressed out.  I didn’t know how to balance everything.

I had to step back and look at what I was doing to myself.  I had to give up something.  One was the radio show, which happened because the owner of the station decided to stop hosting the shows. It was my blessing in disguise.  I missed it, but it made me see I was doing too much.

The year I released my book and I was trying to do everything to get it in front of people.  I was doing so much to the point I just wanted to stop and crawl into a hole and never come out. 

I’d overwhelmed myself.  As I watched my virtual tea clients, they too were doing the same thing.  We were trying to do everything.  When you try to do everything you end up burning yourself out and then you find yourself doing nothing.

Now I teach to focus on 1 – 3 projects each month.  Don’t try to do 50 things each month.

I use my 15 minutes method. It helps me get focused for 15 minutes and complete tasks vs saying I don’t have time to complete the task.  You can do a lot in 15 minutes. 

The key to working your business and promotion is to be consistent.  If you have a plan for your business and your promotion you can stay consistent.




Each month know what you want to do with your business and promotion.


Business Goals – Having goals will help you create a plan for your business.


Promotion Goals – Having goals will help you create a plan for your promotion.


Promotion Plans – What will you be doing?  Where will you be promoting?  How often will you be promoting? What content will you be creating for your promotion?


Pick 1 or 2 things to do daily or weekly.  Don’t try to do everything.

Scheduling your promotion will help in keeping you balanced.


Take 15 minutes each day to work on your promotion and your business.  That’s 30 minutes each day you can focus on your promotion and business.  If you have more time, that’s great, but to start being consistent, start with 15 minutes and stay focus.


What do you do to help you balance your business and promotion?



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