Home   Uncategorized   How can you support your friend when their love ones dies?

1. Send your condolences

Cards, emails, social media posts. They do help

2. Make them dinner or send gift cards for food

Most people in grief don’t have the energy to cook

3. Send flowers or plants

They give encouragement

4. Don’t get offended if they don’t want to talk

Sometimes they barely have energy to say hello

5. Send money

Death always comes after payday. Your gift might buy a meal or gas needed to get to the funeral

6. Don’t ask a million questions

If they want to explain what happen they will. Sometimes they’ve told the same story a million times

7. Let them cry

Sometimes they have no say on when their tears will flow

8. Don’t put a time limit on their grief

Everyone handles grief differently. Just because you think they should be done doesn’t mean they are.

9. Talk about their love ones

Talking about love ones makes them feel good inside

10. Hug them

Sometimes they don’t need words just a sincere hug.

11. Pray for them

Prayer does work and help

12. Don’t forget about them after the funeral

After the funeral is the worse time because they have to learn to live without their love ones.

Invite them to lunch, call for a chat, send an email. Remind them that you are thinking of them and care.

These are a few things I’ve learned dealing with grief. It has helped me be better at supporting my friends.


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