Today’s Promotion Fear – #6 Not Being Able To Keep Up With Promotion

I talked about finding a balance when it comes to your promotion. I will be the first to admit with my first book, I overwhelmed myself with my promotion. It was my first time promoting my own book and I wanted to be everywhere, and I didn’t think about balance.
I can tell you from experience I do not recommend not having balance. When you overwhelm yourself, you end up not promoting at all because you are burned out. That was me at the end of 2015 worn out.
These are the lessons I learned and will share with you.
Schedule your promotion. When you schedule your promotion, you have time to do other things like write, spend time with your family or have fun.
Promotion doesn’t take a lot of time – I recommend 15 minutes for promotion engagement. You’ve already scheduled your promotion, so pop on the platforms for 15 minutes and answer questions or make comments.
Work on 1-3 projects each month. – Don’t try to do a million things each month. You won’t have time and you will burn yourself out.
Have fun – If you are promoting and it’s not fun. You won’t do it. Pick the things that you like and do that.
Don’t continue doing the same thing and getting the same results – check your numbers. If your sales aren’t adding up like you want, it might be time to change up your promotion.
Don’t promote somewhere just because everyone else is – If your audience isn’t on the platform everyone is on, don’t waste your time. You want to be where your audience is.
If you follow these suggestions and create a promotion/writing balance you will keep up with your promotion.
Do you need more promotion tips? Check out my book –
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